27th March 2007

Moving in

posted in Uncategorized |

First, a scary story

I had a heart stopping moment the other day when we all went to Kohls to look at rugs (we knew the stores would be pretty empty due to the Jayhawks game).  Both of the kids were in the mood to wander, so it was a bit frustrating trying to look at stuff.  Zach ended up holding Zora and I was going to retrieve Zane when I discovered for the thousandth time he wasn’t following like he was supposed to.  Just as I was rounding the corner to glimpse him on top of the the display bed (just sitting, looking like he was trying to lay down),  the lights went out.  I was probably about 20-30 feet from him, but I knew he hadn’t seen me and it was now absolutely pitch black.  It took me a heartbeat to orient myself and get that huge lift-a-car-off-your-child adrenaline rush and start running in the pitch black to where I barely glanced him only a second before.  I could feel his fear and it felt like everything was in slow motion as I called to him to tell him I was coming.  I made it a bit more than halfway there before the emergency lights flickered and I could see my way to scoop him up.  He was trembling hard and gripped me harder than I think he ever has before.  The lights came back on and I carried him for a while as I hugged him and talked to him.(I didn’t even notice his weight, if that tells you how pumped up I was).  He finally stopped shaking and I lowered him to the ground.  After it was all over, I started shaking and choking back tears.  It was such a scary moment and I will never forget the look of absolute fear on his face under the emergency lights.  He held my hand the entire rest of the day.

Second, a frustrating story

Well, we aren’t entirely sure what is up with Zane, but today he not only tantrumed while getting ready for school, but, unlike in the past where he gets a hold of himself by the time Zach gets him to school and happily gets out and goes to the classroom, he was still screaming “NO school!  NOT school!”  over and over again even as the car pulled up to the front door.  He wouldn’t get out of the car.  Zach decided to bring him back home instead of battling him over it.  We think the combo of the lingering cough & presuably not feeling 100% and too much change just made it all too much for him.  I hope he starts feeling better and it goes better tomorrow for therapy.  I don’t like seeing him that upset.

Third, some cuteness from our little firecracker

Although I haven’t gotten a picture of it yet, one of her favorite new games in the new place is pushing Duplo/lego trucks that Zane made in the circle of the living room, the short hall, through the bathroom, into her bedroom, and back out into the living room.  She will do several circuits of this a day.  She hasn’t quite got a motor sound yet, but I think that is coming.  Very cute.

She is also enjoying helping us unpack when we aren’t looking (that is one of the lego trucks and some pretzels and something else I can’t figure out in the top drawer of our bathroom vanity)

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She also insisted on “reading” during her afternoon snack today

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And she loves following big brother around the yard…

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…talking all the way..

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…and isn’t happy if he decides to do something else.

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Of course, she still has Daddy to play with

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She is going to keep us veeery busy.


This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 27th, 2007 at 9:10 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 7 responses to “Moving in”

  1. 1 On March 27th, 2007, beanmama said:

    I completely adore her. Look at her!!! Oh, oh, oh. *grinning like a silly old ninny*

  2. 2 On March 28th, 2007, Thia7278 said:

    That was very scary!  I am glad it turned out well.  I think you’re right about Zane, too much change.  Give him some time and things will even out again.

  3. 3 On March 28th, 2007, feebeeglee said:

    The dark story. OMG.

    Are you still considering homeschooling?

    (Frankly, I can’t imagine not! I don’t know how you do it.)

    She is so so SO cute!

  4. 4 On March 28th, 2007, ShackintheMountains said:

    Poor Zane!  That must have been so scary.  Could that be related to him not wanting to go to school?  Maybe he didn’t want to leave you?

    I love that nursing pic!  It is so precious!

  5. 5 On March 28th, 2007, feebeeglee said:

    Their birthdays are neat again today :

    5y3m1d and 1y3m5d

  6. 6 On March 28th, 2007, DrTiff said:

    That must have been so scary at the store – for him and for you! Thank goodness you had at least SAW where he was right before the lights went out…

  7. 7 On March 29th, 2007, feebeeglee said:

    And, finally, tagged you.

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