Taking the Scenic Route

My birthday present to ME.

15th January 2010

My birthday present to ME.

Although I didn’t hit the goal I was wanting to (to be under 200lbs), I did hit a milestone today at a 50lb loss, but more importantly, I got a phone call from my Dr. My A1C levels came back at a 5.2! (“normal” is 6ish, and higher being pre-diabetes, then higher yet is diabetes.). That means I am doing a lot better at controlling it (I am not on insulin, and don’t have problems with hypoglycemia at this point, which can lower the number in a “bad” way). My blood pressure is good (not fabulous, but good), and although my cholesterol is within normal range, my HDL (the good one) is too low of a percentage, so I need to address that now too. However, it is likely that if I keep exercising and sticking to the new eating habits, it should shift into a more healthy balance. My cholesterol level isn’t severe enough to be medicated, just monitored at this point. (however, at this point I am staying on the metformin, which helps with the PCOS)

So, today I got the gift of empowerment. Feeling like my efforts are finally starting to pay off. It feels damn good.

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14th January 2010

You are never too old…

…for somebody to give you a balloon. :D Lacy, who works at the front desk at Heartspring, found out it was my birthday tomorrow and surprised me with a balloon, just like the kids get on their birthdays. lol. It was very sweet and makes me smile. Thank you Lacy.

posted in Me | 1 Comment

14th January 2010

Autism movie had us on a treasure hunt

We saw a preview for Adam and were determined to find it.  It looked awesome.

Blockbuster listed it, but it was nowhere to be found IRL, and we ended up calling around to different video store to try and find it.  We finally found it at a place called Family Video, so Zach and Zora made a trek there.  I think we found a new video store.  Not only do they have a better selection of movies Zach and I want to see, but the kid’s videos kick Blockbuster’s butt to the curb, plus the prices are SO much better. And, as a result, we get to see the movie tonight. Yay!

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13th January 2010

Buh Bye

Late Morning



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12th January 2010

Mustache Day (emphasis on *day*)

While shaving today, Zora convinced Zach to shave off his goatee and leave just a mustache “like Mario”. (both of the kids have been asking for a long time) Zane, even though he has also asked him to have just a mustache, upon seeing it, told him that he didn’t like it. Although “mustache only” is not the best look for Zach, I told him we should get a picture of him like that, and 15 minutes later he told me to upload the pictures. This is a sampling of my favorite goofy guy.

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12th January 2010

Steve – The Arrogant Worms group I was talking about

I am Cow (obviously not an official video, but I couldn’t find one)

History Is Made By Stupid People (the words are funny, the pictures don’t always make sense…clearly not an official video)

Carrot Juice is Murder (I think this is the actual group)

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11th January 2010

Snow Family having a bad day

The temperatures are rising and it is the beginning of the end for our snowman family.

posted in Giggle, Winter | 1 Comment

10th January 2010

Early birthday dinner

For my birthday dinner we went to Il Vincini, our new favorite place.  Dad wasn’t able to make it because he is sick, so we missed him, but it was really great to finally meet Nora, Steve’s new friend.  She seems like such a neat person and I can’t wait to get to know her better.

So, for my birthday, the three ladies had a Menage a Trois.  lmao.  What a hilarious name for a wine.

Everybody had pizza, except me, who had an awesome salad.

It is so good to see my brother happy again.

It was a great dinner, although we all agreed that I can’t possibly be turning 40 in a week.

posted in Birthday, Extended Family, The 2 Opas (J's Parents), The Kids, Zach & Jennifer | 1 Comment

9th January 2010

A day at Exploration Place

We had enough energy to actually go to Exploration place today.  It was really fun.  They are having their last weekend at a “Making Monster’s” traveling exhibit that demonstrates how they make monsters for movies, and lots of actual props from movies.  As usually, an interactive exhibit.  I snapped a photo and then noticed the “no photos” sign, so I sheepishly put the camera back in my bag.  Whoops!

Then we ran around the castle.  It was the first time in a long time I had the energy to deal with all the stairs everywhere.  It is a really neat play area.

This is a room we always spend time in.  It is Kansas in Miniature, with every county represented by at least one structure or landmark.  I inadvertently got the building that represents my hometown in this shot as Zora watched the trains.

What every sensory seeking kid loves

It must have been near feeding time because all the various critters were awake and active.  This bull snake kept following the kid’s movements as the watched it and made it perfectly clear why there is also a closed top on the cage.

A favorite…the water maze table (shows how hydro power works).  When we came to it, the kids before had basically built damms and the balls couldn’t move through the course.  Zane studied it for a while, then moved about 3 pieces at different points, making it work again, then smiled and walked away. Zora just kept trying to get balls.

posted in Autistic Life, Exploration Place, Zane, Zora | Comments Off

8th January 2010

Follow the Blue Circle.

Doesn’t look like much, but add in an MP3 player with affirmations, meditations and a variety of music, and an hour by yourself, and you have a sanctuary from the world.

26 laps tonight.

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  • Zane's age

  • Zane is 23 years and 20 days old
  • Zora's age

  • Zora is 19 years and 24 days old
  • Random Quote

  • “you don’t look autistic!”

    Yes we do. You are just grossly misinformed about what “autistic” looks like.
    — Brigianna (MDC): Autistic, with Autistic child

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