School Prep 4
posted in Autistic Life, Homeschool, ST, project 365 | Comments Off
#23 “The Workers” Zora wanted to be a part of the action when Zach was helping Robert get started on a work project. (Zach got Robert a contracting job at his company)
posted in Computers, Zora, project 365 | Comments Off
#22 “Can we go out Mama?” I wish the picture where she completed the ensemble with sparkle shoes and a pink and purple boa would have been more than a big blur so that you could have the full impact of her fashion choices.
posted in Clothes/Fashion, Giggle, Zora, project 365 | Comments Off
#20 “Watching History” Obama’s inaguration took place right after Speech Therapy, and since Zora and Zane were engaged playing, I decided to amble over to the TV in the other waiting room so I could watch with the group gathered there while the kids played. (an interesting note: before we started therapy here, I would have NEVER been able to let Zane play at a distance in public, EVER.) It was fun watching with a group of people and hear their commentary too. Taken with my phone camera.
posted in Autistic Life, In the News, Politics, project 365 | Comments Off
#19 “A Wicked Good Read” I LOVE the genre where they have classic, well-known stories but flip the protaganist and antagonist. This is “The Wizard of Oz” from the witch’s perspective.
posted in Books, project 365 | Comments Off
#17 “Grandma time” Mom came over to watch the kids while we went out for my birthday. We never made it to the movie we were planning, but lingered over lunch at Olive Garden, then a bookstore, then we realized we weren’t going to make the movie in time so we went grocery shopping. lol.
posted in The 2 Opas (J's Parents), project 365 | Comments Off
#16 “School Prep 2: the first phase of the finished product” (still want to make bean bags and a bracelet, but not right away)
posted in Autistic Life, Homeschool, project 365 | Comments Off
posted in Birthday, Computers, Me, project 365 | Comments Off
Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself, and know that everything in life has a purpose.
There are no mistakes,
no coincidences,
all events are blessings given to us to learn from.
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