Taking the Scenic Route

Wednesday October 17, 2007

17th October 2007

Wednesday October 17, 2007

“Castle, house, and bridge”

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Fighting sleep

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Birds begin to migrate and the backyard rings with the cacaphony

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Some school

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Zora’s favorite book, “Wheels on the bus”

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Theme of the week:  Put clothes over our head and wear them on our neck.

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The rain fell so hard on the way back from OT today it rivalled a blizard.  Zane ran through the house and into the backyard to play in the downpour.

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And afterwards, a full double rainbow greeted us.

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Life is good.


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11th October 2007


This week, for a moment, time stood still.  I sat in the backyard with the kids, in an effort to take the noise out of the house because Zach was trying to take a nap and their energy filled the place.  I sat and watched Zora chase Zane, and the two of them giggling together in their game.  The sun was warm, the wind was roaring in the Cottonwood trees, drowning out the sounds of the city.  In our fenced yard, only a hint of the breeze snuck through to ruffle our hair.

After a while, Zora made her way to me and clamored up into my arms, and lay her head on my shoulder.  As I snuggled with her, watching Zane gallop around the yard in happy contentment, I started to feel her her warmth and notice her breathing, steady, and deep, slowing after her exertion.  I was suddenly hit with how much she had grown.  As I look at her toddler legs, complete with the bumps and scrapes of her adventurous spirit, sprawled out over me, I remember that it was not long ago that she seemed to be all lung.  So small that it seemed every part of her breathed.  Then I had the growing realization that for the first time, she was just snuggling with me.  She wasn’t clamoring to nurse, she was content just to be held and snuggled and it was enough.  In my arms, in that moment, she grew up just a bit.  My baby girl is growing up.

My son is growing up too.  First, physically, he is growing.  Two weeks ago he still fit into size 4 pants.  On Monday we were surprised to discover he had outgrown his 5T pants, and went through several pants trying to find some that fit.  His shirts look noticeably smaller too.  I guess both of my kids need winter clothes now.  Yikes!

And then today, much to our surprise, Zane ran up to Zach and announced “toothy!”.  Zach turned to see what he meant, and he stood there holding one of his teeth.  It was one that had a cap on it, and he had a bloody spot in his mouth showing where it had come from.  Well, we weren’t sure exactly how the tooth came out, and he said the empty spot hurt.  Since the tooth was not the “next” one we were expecting him to lose, we called the dentist, who said to come right in.  We didn’t know if our day was going to involve a trip to the hospital to have him sedated to dig out roots, or if it was just a normal baby tooth lost.  Much to our relief, it was the latter.  The really great news is that Zane participated in the dental appointment like a reasonably typical kid, allowing the dentist to look in his mouth, and even letting him take x-rays.  That part made me feel a little teary from absolute joy.  A few short months ago we still had to do “just a quick glance” because he wasn’t able to cooperate well enough for the standard x-rays and such.  My beautiful boy is growing up too. 

I am the luckiest mom ever. 

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8th October 2007

Monday October 8, 2007

Good use for textbooks

Looked out the patio doors this morning to see a gigantic spider just sitting there.  Freaky looking thing, and he wasn’t moving.  He was too big to stomp on safely, so we resorted to chucking big college textbooks out the door at him until he was smushed.  Ewww, Ewww, Ewww!

Reason #53958673020 not to leave ANY dirty dishes on the counter

I was eating a sandwich at my desk and heard Zane in the kitchen, but didn’t think much of it.  (none of the sounds were alarming).  Pretty soon, he emerges, next to me, and sets down a huge cup of coffee.  He had the biggest, proudest grin on his face.  I asked him if he had made me a cup of coffee and he grinned even wider and said yes, and then stood there waiting for me to drink it.  As I raise it to my lips, I recognize that is is Zach’s cup, from a day or two ago.  Ruh-row.  Very, very cold coffee, with a hint of Dawn dishwashing soap.  Mmmmm.  “Thank you Zane, that was so nice of you to make me coffee”, followed by fake sips (and they say a theatre degree isn’t worth anything.  Humph!) and happy smiles. 

He did eventually get distracted by his next mission and I was able to run the fastest covert coffee switching manuever ever.  It still had the coffee rings, but was minus the old milk, coffee, and dishwashing detergent.  My mouth feels so clean.

Dr. Zane

We are fully in the bandaid-seeking phase with him.  He comes up to me asking to help open the bandaid.  I turn to him as I say “sure” and am stopped in my tracks as I look at him.  His legs, hands and forearms are covered in a shiny-ointment like glaze, and his legs have pink calamine lotion swirled in with the general shiny glaze.  I call out to Zach in a bit of alarm, and he helps carry him back to the bathroom so he doesn’t drip any more than neccessary.  Inspection of the counter concluded that it was mostly Jojoba oil, with a mix of the two calamine lotions.  He decorated the entire vanity with it in his attempt to put everything on.  We could see one little mosquito bite on his foot.  After the slime was off of him and the counter cleaned up, I put the bandaid on.  Of course Zora wanted her band aid then too. 

For some reason I am having a really hard time getting my laundry done too.

I start gathering a load of clothes, and turn around and see that Zora is throwing the clothes out of the basket almost as fast as I am throwing them in the basket.  She assess each piece of clothing, and either chucks it over her head, or she tries to put it on. 

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_heartbeat        _laughing 


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7th October 2007

Sunday October 7, 2007

They came to town to do some shopping, and were in the mood for Carrabba’s and wondered if we would like to come along.  Of course we wanted to!  Yummy!

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7th October 2007

Sunday October 7, 2007

We got a mysterious box in the mail, opened it to find Miquon math books (the whole set and the teacher’s guides), two large bins of pattern blocks, and two bins of Cuisnairre rods.  I am totally confused as I dig to find the packing slip.  It was a dear friend who gifted me the wonderful supplies.  So, thank you very much to my “homeschool fairy”, we are really enjoying the supplies.

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6th October 2007

Saturday October 6, 2007

Zach took Zane since I was pretty sure taking Zora with us would be asking for serious trouble.  (I have seen way too many adults have near misses and injuries in the back of restaurants, and they are NO place for a toddler who wants to be in the middle of the action)   Papa Johns was gracious AND did all of this for no charge.  They had so many families respond it had to be broken into two groups. 

They started by folding their own boxes

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In the walk-in cooler with the cheese.

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Waiting in line

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Let’s make the pizzas!

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Enjoying the rewards of his labor

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Zane really had fun and did an excellent job with things like listening and waiting in line. 


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4th October 2007

Thursday October 4, 2007

Playing with water together.

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Zora busy at work. 

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4th October 2007

Thursday October 4, 2007

My bright and shining son.

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What happens when you accidently put the whole box of PEC cards within reach while cleaning.  Zane mussed over them, rearranging and talking to himself for a good hour or more.

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Zora loves pushing this car around.  It is not only her favorite toy, it is where she keeps her secret stash of food…currently, a cookie she broke up to fit in there.  Oh my.

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 and a few more pictures on a protected post


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  • Zane's age

  • Zane is 23 years, 1 month, and 10 days old
  • Zora's age

  • Zora is 19 years, 1 month, and 14 days old
  • Random Quote

  • Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. — Martin Luther King, Jr

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