“Zora, will you please play with me?” Never thought I would hear that phrase unprompted, but it was said today, several times. Zane was enjoying the DSi feature of allowing the systems to sync up and play a game together. Zora was thrilled until she started getting frustrated at always losing the game.
posted in Autistic Life, Video Games, Zane, Zora |
Waiting in the ER. It is Sunday and the only Urgent Care clinic doesn’t take Healthwave, so to the ER we went. dx: Strep Throat.
Highlights of the visit: The prisoner in the orange jumpsuit & his guards waiting nearby, the “visit to the hospital” coloring book & stickers, and a red popsicle after the throat swab.
Upon taking her meds, she declared “YUCK! It must be for grown-ups, not kids.”
Poor miserable Zora.
posted in Health, Stress, Zora |
Mommy! My cake smells like BUTT CREAM!
Zora, it’s pronounced “Buttercream”
posted in Giggle, Language Development, Zora |
First Oma came by and we opened gifts. A car from Oma & Opa, a weaving loom from Zane, and a bunch of cookie cutters from us.
Then the cake. After an ever changing cake request, Zora finally settled on a “rainbow cake”.
The layers are a combination of strawberry and vanilla, topped with homemade buttercream frosting and marshmallow fondant. I discovered while making it that kool-aid does not work as a coloring agent. Makes a flat cake that tastes like a sweet tart. lol.
Then we went to McDonalds to have a happy meal, per Zora’s request, and met up with some friends. After supper they came by the house and helped us eat cake. Eilysh got her an Eeyore stuffed animal that was an instant favorite.
posted in Birthday, Friends, Milestones, The 2 Opas (J's Parents), Zora |
Making the birthday girl’s “Rainbow Cake” tonight. I know I will get a lot of “help” frosting it, so I thought I would save myself the stress of dealing with food dyes and batter by getting the layers done tonight.
Disadvantage of going digital: no leftover newspaper for wrapping presents. hmmm…didn’t think that one through very well. lol.
posted in Birthday, Zora |
Zora strikes again
posted in Giggle, Play, Zora, minutia |
So far this day is awesome, except for Zora constantly saying “it’s too booooring” every 2 minutes.
And, in Birthday preparations…
Kids are throwing me for a loop. I assumed that Zane wanted another Mario themed cake and Zora would want either a car and/or princess cake…nope, he wants “Pirates, with a 3D boat and 3D captain”. wuh whut? Zora wants a Dora cake. Both want “a cake with cupcakes around it”. Zora wants star candles. This shall be interesting.
and later….Now she wants a rainbow cake. That sounds so much better to me, I hope she doesn’t change her mind.
And, a quiet evening with coffee, drop of vanilla extract, some cinnamon and nutmeg, a bit of milk, curled up to watch Hell’s Kitchen finale.
posted in Zane, Zora, minutia |
Zora’s theory: If you make it out of food, it is meant to be EATEN. Yum.
posted in Christmas, Zora |
Robert and his kids spent the night. Fun was had by all.
They brought the rockstar and the kids all jammed out
The girl’s interest waned and they found better things to do. The leaves, the sun, and a beautiful autumnal day.
posted in Autumn, Friends, Play, Video Games, Zane, Zora |
In the waiting room, before the sessions.
It was the last semester with both of the kid’s student therapists this fall.
Zora & Michael, reading a story
sequencing it
retelling, with props
They had a lot of fun together this semester. Michael following Zora’s instructions to “do a silly photo”. Thank you Michael for letting yourself feel the silly.
Now, Corrissa has been with our family for a few semesters, and was Zora’s student ST for a while before she became Zane’s student ST. She is somebody really special, both because of the length of time, and the quality of her work. She is going to be a rockstar therapist in short order and who ever hires her is going to be very lucky. I tease her that if I win the lottery, I am buying her services for life. lol.
Goofyness was in the air I guess. I seriously LOVE this series of photos. Zane doesn’t often connect with somebody on this level.
And, the best for last:
posted in Autistic Life, Giggle, ST, Zane, Zora |